Friday, January 3, 2014

Why my Photo 365 Project Last Year Failed...

Last year, my New Year's resolution was to complete a Photo 365 Project. I saw several pretty Photo 365 Projects done on photography and lifestyle blogs and was convinced that I should try it. It started out going pretty well, all I had to do was take one photo each day to accumulate a collage of 365 photos in total. However, after life started becoming hard to manage, I started to skip days of photos and kept track of the days I missed so I can take extra pictures and pretend I never skipped. That was wrong and sort of defeated the purpose of this project because once the day was I gone, I could not get that picture I was missing. So instead of Photo 365 Project it became a collection of photos from each month (while missing some days) and so I created the "Catching Up on Photo 365" series. It was a fun project, however, I was able to take photos that I was really proud of.

1. My birthday dinner outfit. First outfit post of the year.
2. My little sister's birthday!
3. Designing mugs together!
4. Focusing on my blog with an Iced Coffee. This was the year I registered
5. I also took to baking last year and my favorite thing to bake were cinnamon buns.
6. Decorating our home was fun. Putting family photos together in this frame made me happy.
7. Last year, I was obsessed with frozen yogurt and here's the first cup.
8. Can you say "20 items or less?" 
9. I also liked curling my hair to look like beachy waves and this was my photo showcasing it. 

This year, I decided no Photo 365 and so far I have caught myself taking random pictures. Although, I am not doing this project this year, I will probably still take lots of random photos from day to day or pull together photos from my Instagram every month and create a special monthly post.