Thursday, January 16, 2014

Boys Behind the Blog: My Best Friend

I love what I do: that's blogging, writing, designing, and running my business. Often times, while I am doing what I do best, I do not really mention the people that make it possible for me to do so. So I decided to follow the Boys Behind the Blog linkup by Mallory from Mal Smiles and Stephanie from Never the Same Spice Twice. Basically once a month, all I do is have the "boy behind the blog" answer a set of questions and showcase who he is. I thought it was an adorably sweet idea and I will be sure to do a few of these posts this year.

One of the people who have helped me and guided me through all my endeavors is my best friend. Although, I will not disclose his name at this moment (will do so sometime in the future), I will just introduce him as my best friend. He's a great person who loves reading comic books, watching shows like Doctor Who and Arrow, playing video games, and has a very intelligent mind with the curious need to understand the world and the people who make it what it is today.
Man of Steel
Photo Credit
Q: What was your favorite movie of 2013?
A: My favorite movie of 2013 would definitely have to be Man of Steel. Even though many people would disagree, I liked it because it put Superman into a situation he has not been put in before and it is fantastic to see him pull through.

Q: What is your all time favorite movie quote?
A: "There is no one I would rather be than me". - From the movie Wreck It Ralph

Q: What is your favorite type of movie?
A: Action, adventure, and the occasional comedy.

Q: What is your New Year's resolution? 
A: My New Year's resolution is to try to get things done such as school work, any goals I have, and if I start something I am definitely going to try and see it through.

Q: This year I will...
A: Be a better person.

I loved being able to get my best friend involved with my blog and I hope it was enjoyable to get a feel for the people in my life who inspire me to do my very best.
Boys Behind The Blog