Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Summer in Photos

       Summer is coming to an end and to celebrate the transition from summer to fall, I'm sharing some of my favorite memories this summer in pictures!

All my summer visits to Starbucks!

I definitely had fun at the State Fair with my family & this funnel cake was the perfect way to end my day!

I don't usually like wearing any make up besides a little lip gloss, but since I bought this from Victoria's Secret, I can't wait for a special occasion to wear make up!
Given to me from my best friend. I love these little sea horses!

My new pair of Polka Dot wedges!

My first trip to iHop with my best friend. Chocolate Chip pancakes, just as chocolaty as it looks!

And, finally decorations from my sister's birthday party! The funny thing about it is pink isn't even her favorite color. HA HA!

      This summer was not perfect, it wasn't what I'd expect it to be, but it was still great! All these photos are from my favorite memories of the summer and I'm glad I created a great blog post from them to conclude the end of the summer.

Now that I shared some of my summer with you, are there any great summer moments you'd like to share? Comment or e-mail journeytoeternity[at]yahoo[dot]com.
