Monday, November 4, 2013

Why Am I So Socially Active Online...?

Why am I so Socially Active online, when in person, I am an introvert?

  1. I have (some type) of depth and I want people to see that. When meeting me in person, one may hate me or adore me...there is no "I kinda like her" or "There's more to her" or "Lets give her a chance to redeem herself". None of that exists in my world. My average appearance either tells people I am a preppy teenager or tells them "there's nothing new here". My skills and talents are, of course seen as things geeks are into (and although I do not mind that), I wish people saw the deep side of me where I learn-where I grow-what I see-how I see, and how I perceive the world. I hope my 140 character Tweets, my photos on Facebook and Instagram, and my blog posts show that (somehow).
  2. My world is different & better than yours. I do not really mean that literally (or maybe I do). Introverts are people with (good) lives too. They may not feel such an empowering need to be around people or or communicate too much, but they do feel the need to show or tell someone whats going on every now then. I may deal with things differently and my lifestyle may be a tad bit different from the average person or the average extrovert in particular, but I like that so it is okay.
  3. I want to cherish and preserve my memories. I barely have exciting things to share on social networks, but when I do, I post it everywhere. Sometimes, I wish I was a bit less reserved-just enough so I too can be that fashion blogger always at major events in New York & San Diego taking hundreds of professional photos while being sociable and enjoying the extroverted life. Then, I come back to who I really am and think, maybe I will just preserve what I do get the opportunity to do and just leave it at that.