Monday, August 3, 2015

Summer is Coming to an End

Back in May,  I set out to do a whole lot this summer. I said I would (try) to have fun and not work 24/7, but I also said I would work on my web design business 24/7 which is an absurd contradiction. But, that's who I am. I can't help being indecisive about how I spend time. I've tried and I can't. I also set out to relaunch all my paused projects before the Fall semester starts the first week of September.

Summer is coming to an end and so it's only natural for me to try to revaluate my summer goals and see which ones I could actually achieve before August is over.

Instead of working on my web design business, I have been spending most of my time after work watching reruns of How I Met Your Mother. Something about the show makes me nostalgic of a time where I felt I was a great navigator in my own life. I wouldn't know how to explain it, but I know it makes me happy. Plus, I can't believe how many of these episodes I just overlooked...they're even funnier than I remember. I have also found that there have been blatantly obvious clues about who the mother is in the first few seasons. How didn't I catch them before?! I did, however start creating awesome templates which will be on sale soon!

I made progress on making my blog better. I just added my first media kit as well as advertising options so I can make better relationships with other bloggers. I would also be happy to swap a sponsorship ad or help you get the word out on your blog/business at no charge, just send me an e-mail

As for the fun part, it's not something I'm generally good at. Don't assume I'm a boring stick in the mud though. ANYTHING, BUT THAT!

I am pretty funny if I say so myself and I do enjoy working a whole lot. That's fun for me.

Sure, it's not what "normal" people think of as fun. Honestly, I wouldn't know how to have fun with my family on the beach or with my best friend at a movie. I would appreciate it, I just wouldn't enjoy it as much. Does anyone out there understand what I'm sayin'? 

Are there any goals you've set out to accomplish before summer comes to an end?