Friday, July 12, 2013

My Fourth Liebster Award Nomination

I'm very happy about the fact some people take interest in blog and who I am. It's exciting to see I won an award, but to be honest, I am a bit tired of winning a nomination. It's fun and all great and all and I am grateful for the hand full of my favorite bloggers who have nominated me for all four, but I really hope this is the last one I receive. I hope to I achieve something greater soon. 

I've been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by blogger friend Kyrstal from Spunkee Belle. She is very kind, sweet, and loves to blog! Thank you so much Kyrstal for the nomination.

The rules for the Liebster Blog Award are simple, only blogs with 200 or less followers are nominated, each person nominated must write some facts about themselves (it's usually 11), answer questions the nominator asks, and nominate some bloggers for the rewards asking them some questions as well.

*Liebster means lovely or great.

Here are Kyrstal's questions for me:
  • What is your biggest fear? - My biggest fear are spiders and sharks. 
  • If you could have a private dinner with ANY 5 people, who would it be? - Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Tom Anderson, Mark Zuckerberg and Matthew McConaughey.
  • What is 1 thing you regret from your past and why? - I regret thinking that I could trust everyone and everything because I've learned even the people you can trust, can be mistrusted too.
  • What's your favorite holiday? - My favorite holiday is New Years'. It doesn't matter what religion you are or where your from, almost everyone celebrates New Years'!
  • What is your dream job? - My dream job is to be an entrepreneur I want to be running my own company.
  • If you could date any celebrity, who would it be? - If I was older and he was younger
    Matthew McConaughey (But hey celebrity crushes change every year ;) ).
  • What is 1 bad habit you would change? - Staying up way to late and spending too much time on the Internet.
  • Chocolate or Vanilla? - It depends on my mood, so I say chocolate & vanilla! :)
  • If you could eat 1 thing for the rest of your life what would it be? - Cheesecake, who doesn't love cheesecake?!
  • What is one thing your readers may not know about you? - My readers may not know that I wear contacts to replace my prescribed glasses. Although, I love my glasses, to the public, they have never been seen. 
11 Facts About Me:
  1. I love sandwiches!
  2. My favorite dessert is Cheesecake, chocolate cheesecake to be exact.
  3. I don't wear much makeup. 
  4. I love to watch reality TV.
  5. You will usually find in my glasses and night gown all day on a Sunday.
  6. Watching movies with friends and family makes me happy.
  7. I love all the little things in life. Small sweet gestures from a loved one or just being able to enjoy an Iced Coffee in peace will make my day the best day ever. 
  8. Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream is my favorite.
  9. I keep a few handwritten journals where I write all my quotes, life's moments, and my thoughts. 
  10. I love eating breakfast, you can literally have breakfast at any time of day.
  11. I try to take as many photos and videos as possible. A picture is worth a thousand words. 

Questions for The Blogs I Nominate:
  1. How much time do you usually spend in a week blogging?
  2. Do you consider blogging to be a hobby or a side-job?
  3. What's your all time favorite movie?
  4. What are some things you'd like to accomplish in the next 10 years?
  5. What does your ideal summer look like?
  6. Do you like to take pictures?
  7. What's your favorite TV show and why?
  8. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
  9. Coffee or Tea?
  10. Do your or have you ever kept a handwritten journal of any kind?
  11. Apple or Android or Neither?
Thanks for reading!