Saturday, April 13, 2013

Catching up on Photo 365: Part 1

Here are some of my January Pictures! I have been promising pictures in my last couple of posts and I have finally decided to post them in a catching up series. This is part 1, many other parts are to come. Then, I will switch to posting them weekly!

1. My favorite necklace that my father had bought me on one of my birthdays.
2. I found these in the freezer aisle & couldn't resist giving them a try.
3. How about trying them with some hot dogs?
4.Sneak peek of my novel! A picture is worth a thousand words. Literally.
5.Cute mini bottles of coke.
6. How healthy does it fruit salad look?
7. Successful shopping trip.
8. Homemade burgers are my favorite.
9. I'm making cinnabons now. :)
10. Fact: I take a Music Theory class. 
11. A poem I wrote that was published.
12. Taking a Coffee break.
13. More Cinnabons!
14. What I have in my bag!
15. Got my Coffee, my laptop, and my phone and I'm ready to work!