Friday, March 22, 2013

My Second Liebster Award Nomination!

I am so happy that people come across my blog and leave really sweet positive comments about it. A few people even drop over award nominations! This is the second time that I have been nominated for this award. This time my wonderful nominator was a great fitness and beauty blogger named Deepti. You can check out her blog here. Thank you, Deepti.

The Rules for the Liebster award are that I cannot nominate my nominator back, I must answer 11 questions from the blogger that nominated me, I must nominate  other bloggers who some less than 200 subscribers, I must notify my nominees and I must leave 11 questions of my own for my nominees to answer.

Deepti's Questions for Me:
1. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
The way I manage time & prioritize. If I was not such a procrastinator and managed time right, I would get a lot more done.
2. What is the best thing about being a blogger?

The best thing is having your own creative space online where your thoughts, your life, and discoveries can live freely.
3. If you get a chance to spend a day with a star who would it be?

Do famous entrepreneurs count? Because I would definitely pick Mark Zuckerberg. He's the creator of Facebook for crying out loud. Who wouldn't want to spend a day with him?
4. Would you confront a person who has talked behind your back?

I'm very humble and quiet about my feelings offline so most likely I would not.
5. What is the one thing in your makeup bag that you cannot live without?

I'm not a fan of carrying make-up bags in my handbag. I usually keep a lip gloss, little perfume, and a little cream in my handbag just in case however.
6. What is the best dish you can cook?

I make an awesome Chicken Alfredo Pasta
7. What if your best friend and you like the same guy?

HA HA! No personal questions please. 
8. Which movie do you relate yourself with?

I love the movie The Social Network. No I am not obsessed with Facebook
(Referring back to my answer to Question 3). I think it relates to me because of the scene and mood of the movie. Fast paced business-establishment and I want to be like Mark Zuckerberg in that sense- being the boss. 
9. What do you prefer giving or receiving?

 I prefer giving. It makes me feel better knowing I made someone smile. 
10.What is your favorite word?

I thought you would never ask. ETERNITY of course. It symbolizes my insight on life and how I think everything you do in this world lasts for an ETERNITY!
11.What is your favorite animal to have as a pet?

Goldfish are such a great pet! 

Now the nominees...

 My Nominees Are
My Questions for Them Are:
  1. What is your favorite thing to do?
  2. Where would your ideal vacation be?
  3. How has blogging affected you as a person?
  4. How has your personal experiences affected your blog?
  5. Why did you start a blog?
  6. What are your goals for your blog?
  7. How often do you find yourself saying "I'm going to blog about this"?
  8. What's your favorite childhood movie?
  9. Do you prefer blogging or keeping a physical journal? Or both?
  10. Is there anything you cannot live without?
  11. Do you consider yourself a professional blogger?
Have a great day!