Friday, June 19, 2015

7 Things You Probably Didn't Know...

I am usually not one to link-up to blogger prompts created and shared by other bloggers. Sometimes I feel as if my answers/response to the prompts aren't as interesting as the others or if I may be repeating something another blogger has said which is usually the case if the prompt isn't personal. But, this time I discovered an interesting prompt two of my favorite bloggers linked up to so I quickly joined the party.

So here are 7 things you probably did not know about me.

- I have a weird dislike towards eggs. I love omelets and I love little pieces of egg whites in my vegetable fried rice, but I absolutely hate eggs boiled, scrambled or sunny-side up.

- I often get told that I talk too much and too loudly in person, but in my high school marching band I was known as a quiet band member who was switched from playing the trumpet (a loud brass instrument) to a euphonium (a low brass instrument) because my voice didn't project. Strange? Maybe.

- I worry far more than I should about how I am perceived by others. (I hope I am not the only one.)

- If you ask me if like country music, I would say "Heck, no! I'm more of an alternative/indie rock type of person!" and act slightly offended. The truth is, some songs that fall into the country genre happen to be some of my favorites. One I love listening to on repeat currently is "What I Love About You" by Logan Mize.

- No matter what happens on any given day, you'll find me smiling anyway. It's not a staged smile, I'm always exuding positive energy.

- My best friend's name is a secret, but it will be relieved soon and I cannot wait to share that all with you. (HINT: I'm not sure you're prepared for this).

- I hate the phrase "I'm busy" and I try not to use it at all. Everyone seems to use it as an empty excuse and even though I have been guilty of using it as well, it's not a good excuse and shouldn't be used as one. I get it. No one has time to commit to yet another obligation, but has hours on hand to post photos on Instagram and tweet nonsense.

I hope you learned more about me!

Helene in Between

Is there something about you I probably didn't know? Leave me a comment! I'd love to learn more about you!