Monday, December 23, 2013

A Holiday Season Post...

This holiday season my whole family's holiday list is up to me. I organized and planned all our stuff for gift-giving. My family really does not celebrate Christmas. We used to celebrate my parents' wedding anniversary on Christmas Eve by going to Rockefeller Center in NYC to see the beautiful Christmas tree. Only until my parents' got divorced did we do this, now we're not sure what to do. So I figured I'd buy everyone in my family presents and before Christmas, we'd open all our presents together. This way we celebrate a new kind of tradition.
HolidayHoliday Cards
To start off on December 13th, my little munchkin and I put together a gift list of everyone we are shopping for this year, we found a cool holiday printable online and decided to use it to keep track of everything. Then we started writing holiday greeting cards. Of course they were cute and all glittery, what holiday card isn't?
Holiday GiftsHoliday Gifts
Then we shared candy canes and wrapped presents in the awesome candy cane wrapper I picked out! My friends, family, and co-workers are going to love them!
Holiday Presents
A week later, December 20th we decided to start our winter break from school by opening all our presents. We probably won't have receive any more presents afterwards. So this was perfect! All the presents I received were so thoughtful and sweet, I did not realize how appreciated I was until I opened them all. They were all so generous.
Holiday GiftsHoliday Gifts
Holiday CardHoliday Card
SupersisHoliday Gifts
My sweet co-workers even signed an office card together for me. My first office card! One of my band mates even quoted How I Met Your Mother to me. Each card on each bag of kettle corn completes that one phrase Barney Stinson played by Neil Patrick Harris in HIMYM I love most. "Legen...Wait for it...Dary!"
Holiday CardHoliday Card
Christmas Eve or Day I am hoping my family will just go out for dinner. I have been craving a seafood buffet lately.

Happy Holidays!