Saturday, December 17, 2011

Holiday E-Card Exchange

Blogger Holiday E-Card Exchange

       I thought of this great way to connect people online in a different way that allowed each and every one us to see each others creativity, while providing a kind gesture, and finding new blogs/sites to connect with. So, in honor of the holidays. I've put together a Holiday E-Card Exchange!

How does it work?
Just enter by filling out the form below, submit your e-card to, add the holiday e-card exchange badge to your blog/site, and check your inbox on Christmas Day for a special e-card created by a fellow blogger!

     Every one that participates will receive a different e-card from a different blogger. It's an exchange, you never know whose e-card you might get!

    It's a great way to wish your fellow bloggers Happy Holidays! It's sort of like a secret Santa exchange except digital!

How do you enter?
1. Sign up using the form below.
2. Use any image software you'd like (Photoshop, Paint, Picnik, FotoFlexer; etc) to create a 150x150 pixel or larger (no less than dimensions provided) holiday e-card.
3. Include your first name, blog/site name, blog URL, a greeting, and personal message (optional) somewhere on your e-card.
4. Be creative! Add photos, festive graphics, crazy fonts, and more.
5. When you're done, save it as a JPEG image and send it via e-mail to as an attachment.

Sign up here!

Grab a Badge!

The Life of a Zobot Holiday E-Card Exchange
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The Life of a Zobot" width="135" height="172" /></a>

The Life of a Zobot Holiday E-Card Exchange
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The Life of a Zobot" width="135" height="172" /></a>

Thanks for signing up! Be sure to check your inbox on Christmas! Happy Holidays!

If you have any questions e-mail
