Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Lately I Just Want To...

The hard truth of wanting to be something you are not (yet) is that you are not what you want to be (you know...just not yet). I tell everyone I meet that I am an entrepreneur, I write it on my business cards, and I stamp it all over my social network profiles as if I have a right to flaunt it. Now, some may argue (those close to me) that I have accomplished enough to allow myself to brag about it. Others, (those extremely close to me) say that I have no idea what being an entrepreneur is. Yes, my family absolutely does NOT understand what it is I do or why. And, I argue that I WILL own up to the title.

This topic came about while I was registering for classes and realized that I was taking on too many courses. I decided to double major in Computer Science and Business Administration with a concentration in Finance and minor in Economics. I came in with a plan - go to school - meet people - gain knowledge - earn a degree - get the college experience - start a software development company - start a bank - better the economy - pass over my wealth and wisdom to my children - end. I found my self questioning WHERE in this plan did I decide to nearly destroy any time for creativity or innovation by forcing myself to take on more than 200 credit hours in four years when only 120 is required to graduate?

I also find myself questioning, why am I getting a degree when I do not want a job?

Or when I do not want a graduate degree?

Lately I just want to tell people that I have something to prove and if you are not going to support me, you can at most step aside.

Lately I just want to curl up in a corner and watch reruns of How I Met Your Mother because that show unlike everyone else I encounter has an optimistic sense of being with a touch of lively humour that I hone so dearly.

Lately I just want to drink chai tea lattes all day, every day.

Lately I just want to take a road trip to clear my mind.

Lately I just want everyone to realize that I will not rest until someone else introduces me as an entrepreneur.

Have you ever felt like you needed to prove someone wrong? Is there something you belief in so strongly that you found enough courage to stick through it?

P.S. Coming back to the blog in a couple of days means you get a chance to win chai tea lattes all day, every by entering in the $200+ Starbucks Gift Card Giveaway! Come back soon!