Friday, March 13, 2015

When the Downfalls of Business...

It seems that today almost every article is about a new "start-up", a business that remarkably turned their failing business model around, a steady business that hiked up their profits after a new marketing campaign, or about someone who once was unemployed and now reeving in the rewards of their success.

What is an aspiring entrepreneur to think?

I can see myself get there. I know I will get there.

If only I could turn off all the buzz to get back into working a little a lot harder, I could make my way up there too.

Lately this is the way I have been feeling whether its because of all the business buzz or because lately I've been hearing "Why are you so busy all the time? What do you even do?" or "What business?" (referring to the fact that sales have been miserable for me lately and my web design storefront is still a work in progress).

I admit it. I get insecure too.

Maybe I am too ambitious or too wrapped up in these dreams? Maybe that's why I take it too seriously?

My reply to any of those comments are always "I'm busy running two blogs, owning two small businesses, writing for clients, trying to publish my novel, working a part-time job, and being a college student (as if that isn't enough) and I keep tacking on another dozen projects I start...but have not finished.

I literally have lists of things I need to/thought of doing to improve every one of my projects and kickstart sales, acquire a new list of clients, and run toward these goals in full-speed, but lately anything will discourage me and slow me down.

I have not been doing so well in business lately so I am writing to share one simple concept in business that will make YOU or break YOU in this industry.

When the downfalls in business...

Bring you down, will you find a way to keep going?

Any other small-business owners, freelancers, innovators, or entrepreneurs feel this way every now and then? How do manage to keep going?