Friday, July 25, 2014

It Happened...I Graduated

Graduating high school may not be such a big accomplishment to many people since hey, it's just high school and all you really have to do is graduate with a sub-par grade point average, just enough school credits, and a decent attendance record. If you ask me, it's really not a hard thing to do. I am not celebrating the fact I graduated in this blog post. I am celebrating the fact that I was able to push through the finish line these past four years, did what I needed to do (regardless of what was going on around me), performed better than most academically, and was able to learn and grow beyond what what was being taught in school.

These past four years I was a member of our school Marching Band, member of the Future Business Leaders of America and then eventually President, someone acknowledged by teachers and faculty as a student with outstanding potential, and most importantly known as a well-rounded person. Graduating high school isn't an accomplishment to me, but that is. 

I am very grateful to have found myself in various instances in which I was tested to see if my true character would advance. It really is a great feeling knowing that instead of simply graduating and leaving high school, I left behind a little trail where I hope many of the people who I have come to know through those years will one day follow and celebrate even bigger achievements with me that I hope to have accomplished by then.

Here's to a new stage to advance from or in my best friend's gaming language, a new level to clear.