Being a college student is sort of a weird thing. You aren't really an adult yet, but you are no longer a teenager. You begin to take some responsibility for your own mistakes, financial obligations, and your overall well-being. This is where everyone begins referring to you as a young adult. After going through my freshman year of college (it's almost over!), I have realized that THIS is more true than I thought it would be and here are several reasons why.
You realize you can't stay home watching the Kardashians because you have to work and it only hurts a little.
In your spare time, you check your bank accounts and only shed a few tears.
You decide not to get Starbucks coffee because although you love ordering a "Grande Vanilla Frappuchino", it's too expensive to buy everyday and you opt for a medium iced coffee at Dunkin' Donuts.
Shopping is not as fun as it used to be because you have so much going on in such a limited amount of time each week that you only shop when you need to buy something.
You take at least four naps on a work day and six on a day off (And think that you deserve it too)!
11 PM becomes too late. (I used to be able to stay up ALL night :( )
Your to-do list is more extensive than "Upload New Profile Pic." Now you're crossing off things like "Do Laundry", "Buy new Towels", "Hand in Paper by 5PM."
You (begin to) realize celebrities are just people too... weird right, who thought that would happen?!
You're lucky enough to sleep for six hours, let alone trying to get eight.
You become more social than usual and for the first time, you have some type of "young adult" confidence that you have no idea how you got.
Eating at McDonald's or Burger King is no longer a treat, but torture because you have forced yourself to see the reality of it. It's just fast food. I love Wendy's by the way. Anyone else? :)
You realize you can't stay home watching the Kardashians because you have to work and it only hurts a little.
In your spare time, you check your bank accounts and only shed a few tears.
You decide not to get Starbucks coffee because although you love ordering a "Grande Vanilla Frappuchino", it's too expensive to buy everyday and you opt for a medium iced coffee at Dunkin' Donuts.
Shopping is not as fun as it used to be because you have so much going on in such a limited amount of time each week that you only shop when you need to buy something.
You take at least four naps on a work day and six on a day off (And think that you deserve it too)!
11 PM becomes too late. (I used to be able to stay up ALL night :( )
Your to-do list is more extensive than "Upload New Profile Pic." Now you're crossing off things like "Do Laundry", "Buy new Towels", "Hand in Paper by 5PM."
You (begin to) realize celebrities are just people too... weird right, who thought that would happen?!
You're lucky enough to sleep for six hours, let alone trying to get eight.
You become more social than usual and for the first time, you have some type of "young adult" confidence that you have no idea how you got.
Eating at McDonald's or Burger King is no longer a treat, but torture because you have forced yourself to see the reality of it. It's just fast food. I love Wendy's by the way. Anyone else? :)
You now worry about filing taxes. You gotta do it on your own now.
Everything over $10 becomes expensive.
You have a drawer of receipts just because you said you would limit your buying and spending, but since you didn' have to hide the evidence. (Or is that just me?)
You no longer have fun dressing up in the morning, it's now a chore to make sure you don't wear the same thing twice in a week. YIKES!
You don't hate the young adult road, but you do not love it either.
Whatever your reasoning might be to look at yourself as a young adult, you are supposed to grow up through this sometimes questionable journey and make the best of it and enjoy the ride.
Fill in the blank: "You Know You're Becoming a (Young) Adult When...."
P.S. There's still time to enter the $250 Starbucks Gift Card Giveaway! Enter right here.
You no longer have fun dressing up in the morning, it's now a chore to make sure you don't wear the same thing twice in a week. YIKES!
You don't hate the young adult road, but you do not love it either.
Whatever your reasoning might be to look at yourself as a young adult, you are supposed to grow up through this sometimes questionable journey and make the best of it and enjoy the ride.
Fill in the blank: "You Know You're Becoming a (Young) Adult When...."
P.S. There's still time to enter the $250 Starbucks Gift Card Giveaway! Enter right here.