Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Liebster Award!

     I was extremely excited last night when I came across a comment on my last blog post. Mostly because I don't receive comments often, but this comment was special. Scottie Key from Scottie's Paper Dolls commented to let me know she nominated me for the Liebster Award! I'm honored, thank you so much Scottie Key, this means a lot to me!

    Honestly, I'm not exactly sure how this award works or who started this award, but I'm sure glad to be a part of it anyway. From Scottie's blog post about the award, I learned that Liebster is German for "Dearest" and the award is given to bloggers who don't have many followers, but deserve some recognition.

The Liebster Award Guidelines

Each Person Nominated Must:
  • Post 11 things about themselves. 
  • Answer the 11 questions the nominator has set for them.
  • Create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they nominate. 
  • Choose 11 bloggers to nominate with not so many followers (200 or less). These lucky bloggers must be told. 
Note: Nominators cannot be nominated back.  

    I thought this was pretty cool, I've never heard of anything like this before. I think it's a great way to someone's day by letting them know you like their blog, share some stuff about yourself by answering questions, ask your favorite bloggers questions, and share blogs!

11 Facts About Myself:
  1. My first name Zobia means "Gift of God".
  2. Pink is my favorite color. I don't think that will ever change.
  3. I usually talk a lot about prioritizing and time management.
  4. Which brings me to the fact that I'm not good at managing time. 
  5. I secretly wish I could be more outgoing, but I tend to be more of an introvert. 
  6. I love Iced Coffee and Iced Tea.
  7. The best way to win me over is to know what I want without me having to say it. (In honor of that, let's say I didn't mention this ;) ).
  8. If I could preserve every word I've ever written whether it'd be on a blog, website, journal, or even those little inspirational notes I write on my notebooks, I would! It would be created into a 250 volume encyclopedia titled "The Zobia". (I might actually do this in the future, but it probably won't be published.)    
  9. My first blog/website was created back when Wetpaint's main purpose was wikis. 
  10. I refuse to write in any other color ink besides black. 
  11. I'm always trying to be as organized as possible, it drives me less crazy in a long run. 
Scottie's 11 Questions for Me:  

1. What is your blog about? 
   My blog is mainly about my life. I blog about some of my experiences, I blog about some of my inspirations, and sometimes I even post some tips as well.
2. Why do you blog?

   I blog to share, inspire, and leave my imprint on the internet. Plus, I also think it would be amazing to know maybe 100 years from now (if Blogger doesn't shut down and the Internet still exists) someone can find my blog and learn about the person I was.
3. Where are you from?

   Well, I'm from this planet (hopefully you are too HA HA!) Actually, I prefer not to say.
4. Who are your favorite designers?

    I don't really have a favorite, but Vera Wang is a great wedding dress designer, plus her line of Simply Vera shoes are great!
5. What is your favorite television show?

    Even though they haven't had a new episode in years, Friends is my favorite TV show of all time.
6. What do you do for a living?

    I'm currently a freelance writer on Fiverr.
7. If you could have one super power what would it be?

    One really useful super power for me would be the ability to freeze time. 
8. If you could have lunch with one historical figure, who would it be?
     It's best if I stay away from any historical figure, history is not my favorite subject. (If you were to ask me which major technology figure I'd have lunch with, there would be quite a few).
9. Dogs or Cats?

    I prefer dogs over cats.
10. What is your favorite city?

    New York City is my favorite! This city literally has a bit of everything!
11. What are your favorite fashion publications? 

     Glamour magazine is my favorite. 

    Thanks again for nominating be Scottie Key! These questions were fun to answer! 

11 Blogs I Nominate for the Liebster Award:
  1. A Girl's Imagination
  2. My Daily Randomness
  3. Time Stand Still
  4. A Lifetime of Rain
  5. Vintage Danielle
  6. Today I Want
  7. Talkative Writer
  8. From Cupcakes With Love
  9. Until Only Love Remains
  10. Life Unpublished
  11. Make Me Up Mandy
 11 Questions for My Nominees:
  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. Where do you see your blog in your future?
  3. Will you continue to blog as you get older?
  4. What's your blog's inspiration?
  5. If you could live in any country in the world, what would it be and why?
  6. What's one thing that's absolutely essential to you every day? 
  7. Cheescake or Apple Pie?
  8. What's one of your favorite quotes?
  9. Do you have any other blogs?
  10. Describe yourself in 3 words. 
  11. How do you show your personality through your blog?