Saturday, February 25, 2012

It All Starts On a Blank Page…

Recently all I have bee doing is writing. Writing ideas, writing for gig orders on Fiverr, writing journal entries, and I’m also starting to keep a daily calendar on my iPhone. (Since, I have a phone with great productivity tools, I should use it to the best of it’s ability!) I’ve made some extra cash writing on Fiverr and I’m hoping the users that buy my works really do think I do a great job. I’ve written some pretty award winning lyrics and essays (If I say so myself Winking smile ). I’ve also thought of new project ideas that I started writing notes and drawing images for. After all my other uncompleted projects are done, maybe I’ll launch this one. I’ll give you all a hint, I need to learn how to code thoroughly first. For future reference, every idea is special, write it down. I definitely learned that the hard way. You will not believe the amount of ideas I’ve thought of and forgotten. Above all, all great ideas, projects, and work…start on a blank page.
This is a picture of my new journal that I got for Christmas from my best friend. I haven’t wrote anything in this journal yet because I have so many others things to do. Although, I’ll get to this blank page pretty soon. (I hope).

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone! Hope everyone is enjoying their day with their loved ones. I never hated Valentine’s day. Every year, Valentine’s day sort of makes me upset and well this year, it wasn’t bad. I got to spend the day with my best friend and that’s just what any girl could ask for. No flowers, no chocolate, just a nice day they get a little appreciation for everything whether it’s from a friend, a loved one, your family, or any one in your life that means a lot to you. That’s the important thing. 

The picture above is a picture of the flowers I received from my best friend! I loved them! Thank you, sweetie!

P.S. Google's doodle video for today is adorable! Check it out!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Today is my Birthday!

         Every year for my birthday, it's more or less the same thing. I go out, I do something small. I come home, take pictures, have my little sister act nice to me all day because "this day only comes around once a year and tomorrow she's gonna torture me twice as more", I cry at some point, I feel undeserving at best, I wish I could have done something better, I look back at the year I've had, I think about all the mistakes I've made, but at the end of the day...I remember what's important. The people who I love the most and the people that have made me who I am today. Everyone wants their birthday to be made special. So, despite my mistakes and everything that has happened between last year and this year, I want them to know, I love you all, very very very much! ♥

Just thought, I'd get in a blog post before my birthday ends. 
